Should I get full body paint or dyed fiberglass?
When looking at Winnebago and Itasca products, a customer may be presented with the option of Full Body Paint versus Dyed Fiberglass. It’s fairly common to see this option on Winnebago Views and Itasca Navions. If you are considering dyed fiberglass with the deluxe graphics, it’s a great way to save money (full body paint can often times bring a hefty price tag of $6,000 plus) and yet still have a great looking coach. The dyed fiberglass which was first introduced in 2014 has a tan appearance – no more white fiberglass walls. Dyed fiberglass option includes deluxe graphics – a high quality decal applied to the exterior of the coach. The hood and cap of the cab, as well as the lower valance on the View / Navion series is painted. Winnebago offers several options for this color.
Dyed fiberglass is offered in the View/Navion, Minnie Winnie / Spirit, Aspect / Cambria, Via / Reyo and Vista / Sunstar line-ups.

Regardless of your final choice between full body paint or dyed fiberglass, it’s important to maintain the exterior of your coach with a wax at least once a year, or invest in an environmental package offered through Lichtsinn RV.